Hi Parents!
I have put together a google doc that contains descriptions of each of the volunteer positions we need help with this season.
Please sign up below each one before Wednesday. In case you cannot access google docs, I have attached the word file for you to view. I will print them off on Wednesday afternoon before the parent meeting so you can hand sign them.
1) Senior Recognition.
This happens on the last home dual meet of the season. We need a group of parents to help make this night special for them!
2) Pot Luck Pasta Party.
Date is TBD but this event is one of the athletes favorite parts of the season!
3) Banquet.
We need a parent volunteer to head the banquet committee. I can provide information on past banquets to help make the process smoother. But we will need many parent volunteers to help make this night possible!
4) Lastly, we have TWO home dual meets in which we will need help with timing and set up/clean up.
Your help throughout the season is very much appreciated! It allows for the athletes to make memories and have you be an integral part of their activities!
Good evening!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. The coaches were extremely impressed on how the first week of practice went. We loved seeing the hard work, camaraderie, and high energy!
On Wednesday, we talked about not only becoming a better athlete but developing character qualities to be a better son/daughter, sibling, student, teammate, and friend. DON'T HOLD BACK! This week we will be focusing on being Decisive. Be smart! Making the right choices is important in your academics, athletics and relationships. Wisdom leads to good decision making. You gain wisdom from your parents, teachers, and coaches; be mindful of what they have to share. They believe in you and want to see you succeed. Think about those things and integrate them into your daily lives!
Notes for this week:
PARENT/ATHLETE meeting this Wednesday after practice (6:30 pm).
Please bring check book and water/snack.
If your last name starts with A-L: a case of water for dual meets
If your last name starts with M-Z: a box of snacks for dual meets, preferably the
Costco size (i.e. nature valley bars, fruit snacks, pretzels, granola bars, etc.)
Please DO NOT bring these items to another practice or to my room. They will be going to the equipment room in the E building.
Make sure you are bringing plenty of water/gatorade to practice to stay hydrated!!
August 29th: t-shirt party
September 2nd: Picture Day
September 3rd: 1st dual meet!
"The choices you made yesterday are who you are today, and the choices you make today will determine who you will become tomorrow." - Wade Salem
Coach Paige