Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Monday, August 24, 2015

Weekly Update 8/23/2015


Last week was a great week of hard work, camaraderie, and decisiveness. The coaches and I even saw some athletes keeping each other accountable for making the right choices. THAT is what makes Pinnacle swim & dive one of the best teams in the state. This week's character quality (CQ) is Overcome. It is how we respond in tough times. I think we have all had moments where we want to give up or "throw in the towel", but when we learn to overcome those challenges we build perseverance, character and hope. We begin to understand how rewarding the successes are because were able to finish strong, be tenacious, and have grit...true grit! 
This week, if you face adversity, don't give up. Have the strength to overcome! 

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed." - Booker T Washington 

Weekly Housekeeping:
  • Team FEES are due THIS FRIDAY, Sept. 28th! 1) $200 Sport fee (AIA) on the school webstore or in finance office. 2) Please see the attached form for booster fee. $125 for everyone plus any extra items (polos, extra t-shirts for family). Booster checks can be given to Mrs. LaPorte in her office (College & Career center).
  •  Athletes: please send or give me your t-shirt sizes (and polo size for all newcomers) by this WEDNESDAY. I need to send in the order so we have them ready by our first meet! 
  •  Parents: if you would like a team t-shirt please indicate on the form (family t-shirt) what size and how many and include that in your check for boosters.  Also, please remember to volunteer for senior night, the banquet, and end of season pasta party! Use the google doc or you can let me know.
               - When: THIS SATURDAY, August 28th at 12:30 pm
               - Where: It will be held at Aviano Community Park Phoenix, AZ 85050 (located near Wildfire Elementary School).
               - Cost: $5 (for t-shirts & food) The captains will be collecting money at practice throughout the week.
  • Lastly, I attached part of the parent packet, in case you lose the hard copy!

Coach Paige

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Parent Meeting Update

Thank you all so much for attending the meeting last night in the heat! I hope you all had questions answered; if not, please send me or any of the coaches an email for clarification! I do have a few notes from the boosters:

( We will be using those for dual meets and invites )

1.  TANKS are still available  $10 ea   ( 3 XL and 11 M  )

2.  VOLUNTEER JOBS - We need HELP !!
     A. Senior Recognition Night 10/17
     B. Pot Luck Pasta Party 10/29
     C. Banquet ( THANK YOU to Carol Schroedl for chairing, but she needs help )
     D.  Home Dual Meets - 9/17 and 10/7
Please sign up on google docs or email Coach Paige

     A.  Krispy Kreme value cards ( 8/26 - 9/22 )
     B.  Waffle Love Truck 9/17 ( tell your friends to come cheer on your athletes and grab  a waffle )
     C.  Tax Credit to PHS Swim & Dive

     B.  $125 BOOSTER FEE TO MRS. LAPORTE STARTING WEDNESDAY ( students can bring check to Mrs. LaPorte's office in admin )
**Clarification to Tax Credit:  Your $200 AIA fee CAN be used for tax credit, however, it does not apply to the PHS Swim & Dive Fund
Options:  $200 to AIA/ tax credit and exhaust your other $200 TC to PHS Swim & Dive  OR.... $200 to AIA and then an additional $400 TC ( married ) to PHS Swim & Dive

 THANK YOU FOR PAYMENT:  Allen, Apel, Apel, Bearup, Bolar, Defoe, Distler, Dowd, Hughes, Kelly, Lauinger, Mai, Monheit, Neill, Nel, Porco, Ressa, Roberson, Robinson, Rosin, Schlossmach, Terese, Walker, Williams, Yancy

5.  ALL FEES ARE  DUE BY FRIDAY, 8/28 (  no payment will mean not getting a suit or participating in the first meet )
Thank you for being an amazing group of Pioneers!
Coach Paige 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Parent Volunteers for Swim and Dive and Weekly Update 8/16/2015

Hi Parents!

I have put together a google doc that contains descriptions of each of the volunteer positions we need help with this season.

Please sign up below each one before Wednesday. In case you cannot access google docs, I have attached the word file for you to view. I will print them off on Wednesday afternoon before the parent meeting so you can hand sign them.

1) Senior Recognition.
This happens on the last home dual meet of the season. We need a group of parents to help make t​​his night special for them!

2) Pot Luck Pasta Party.
Date is TBD but this event is one of the athletes favorite parts of the season!

3) Banquet.
We need a parent volunteer to head the banquet committee. I can provide information on past banquets to help make the process smoother. But we will need many parent volunteers to help make this night possible!

4) Lastly, we have TWO home dual meets in which we will need help with timing and set up/clean up.

Your help throughout the season is very much appreciated! It allows for the athletes to make memories and have you be an integral part of their activities!

Good evening!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. The coaches were extremely impressed on how the first week of practice went. We loved seeing the hard work, camaraderie, and high energy! On Wednesday, we talked about not only becoming a better athlete but developing character qualities to be a better son/daughter, sibling, student, teammate, and friend. DON'T HOLD BACK! This week we will be focusing on being Decisive. Be smart! Making the right choices is important in your academics, athletics and relationships. Wisdom leads to good decision making. You gain wisdom from your parents, teachers, and coaches; be mindful of what they have to share. They believe in you and want to see you succeed. Think about those things and integrate them into your daily lives!

Notes for this week:

PARENT/ATHLETE meeting this Wednesday after practice (6:30 pm).
Please bring check book and water/snack.
If your last name starts with A-L: a case of water for dual meets
If your last name starts with M-Z: a box of snacks for dual meets, preferably the Costco size (i.e. nature valley bars, fruit snacks, pretzels, granola bars, etc.)

Please DO NOT bring these items to another practice or to my room. They will be going to the equipment room in the E building.

Make sure you are bringing plenty of water/gatorade to practice to stay hydrated!!


August 29th: t-shirt party
September 2nd: Picture Day
September 3rd: 1st dual meet!

"The choices you made yesterday are who you are today, and the choices you make today will determine who you will become tomorrow." - Wade Salem

Coach Paige

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday Practice

We will be done with practice early, around 6:00 pm.

A couple of things before we approach the end of the week:

1. To my lady athletes: please no bikini's at practice, dual meets, or invites. Thank you!

2. SAVE THE DATE: Team T-Shirt Party will be on Saturday August 29th! This is a great time to get to know your teammates, make t-shirts for the season, and have some fun! More details to come in the next update.

3. MANDATORY PARENT/ATHLETE MEETING is this Wednesday, August 19th right after practice (6:30 pm).
Please bring a check book and your designated snack or water.
If your last name starts with A-L: a case of water for dual meets
If your last name starts with M-Z: a box of snacks for dual meets, preferably the costco size (i.e. nature valley bars, fruit snacks, pretzels, granola bars, etc.)

Coach Paige

Monday, August 10, 2015

Welcome Back!

Happy first day of school! Looking forward to hearing all about it!
A couple of notes before this afternoon:
- Please turn in your athletics packets AT SCHOOL to Nancy Katz in the E building (her office is on the east side, next to the weight room and small gym). Again, you cannot get in the water unless these are turned in. Thank you!
- There is no transportation (bus) to and from practice. Everyone arrives to the pool at 4:45 on their own. Carpools are great!
- This afternoon, please bring your practice suit, goggles, cap, and A WATER BOTTLE
Team suits: This year we are not doing a "suit fitting" day. I have a "fit kit" provided by East Valley Sports will all suit sizes. This week, the coaches and I will be asking all athletes to try them on and provide us your size. I will be submitting the suit order by the end of the weekend! 
- Reminder: the parent/athlete meeting is next Wednesday, August 19th, after practice (6:30 pm) at the pool 

For club athletes: I would like as many of you to be at today's practice as possible...I will have two special introductions :) Mandatory practices are Wednesdays. 
See you soon!
Coach Paige 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

IMPORTANT swim/dive reminders!

Just wanted to send a reminder that these three things need to be done BEFORE Monday afternoon:

1) Athletic paper MUST be cleared through Nancy Katz before you attend practice or else you WILL NOT be able to participate. Nancy's office is in the E building on the east side (by the weight room). Go before school, at lunch, or after school to drop it off. I will be given an official list on Monday afternoon before practice. 
2) Remember to sign up for Remind Me 101! Last year there was a monsoon on the first day of practice and it was cancelled. This will be the best way for me to immediately contact all athletes/parents if it were to happen again. I attached instructions to sign up.
3) Parents, please make sure you have a gmail account so that I can share certain documents with you (i.e. meet sign up sheets, banquet sign up, fundraising, senior night, pasta party, etc.). Email me with your gmail address and I will do a trial run sometime next week.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday!!
Practice time: 4:45pm - 6:30 pm, location: PV Pool.

Coach Paige