Good afternoon!
I wanted to start by saying a HUGE thank you to Jacki Tatman, Suzanne Allen, Christi Rosin, Kristen Bolar who helped make our senior meet happen! It was such a special evening for everyone, especially our seniors. Also, thank you to all the parent timers! Lastly, another huge thank you to Ken and Sharon Apel who officiated/scored our senior meet (and our other home meets!). Meets could not happen without all our parent help and we greatly appreciate it!
Meet results: our ladies came away with a win and our men fell short by just a few points! We have one more dual meet left against one of our best competitors, Chaparral. We have a week of rest (no meets) to gear up for it!
Our character quality of the week is Believe; to have a firm conviction about something, accept as true. Having this type of character allows you to be sure of what you hope for and certain of things you cannot see. If we didn't have belief or faith, if we always kept fear of the unknown in our hearts, we wouldn't have our greatest Olympians, our bravest soldiers, our most intelligent surgeons, etc. Being the best athlete or the smartest student does not make you a great individual, it is the process of how you get there, which includes believing in yourself AND showing others how to do the same. Ibelieve that you are capable of having all the great character qualities we have discussed so far and that is why I am so proud to be a Pioneer and a part of this team.
"The ultimate measure of someone is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy." - MLK, Jr.
Other reminders:
- District DIVE Meet- Oct. 28th @ PV pool. This date may change...stay tuned.
- Annual Team Pasta Party is Thursday Oct. 29th right after practice. Please sign up to bring an item in the link below:
- District SWIM Meet is Friday Oct. 30th @ Moon Valley Country Club. Not everyone will be competing, but all athletes will be attending. We will be leaving right after lunch, so they will be excused from their 6th and 7th period classes.
Have a great rest of your Sunday!
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