Sunday, August 26, 2012

PHS Swim & Dive Dinner This Wednesday - Genghis Grill

Come and carbo load before the first meet at Genghis Grill.
4722 East Cactus Road.

PHS Swim and Dive gets a percentage of every meal served on Wednesday, August 29th if our flyer is presented. Invite friends and family to go to Genghis Grill all day long!

The captains and coaches will be cooking and / or serving that evening.
Come enjoy team building and good food.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

T-Shirts and Swim Party - Saturday 8/25

Swim and Dive Teammates

The captains are planning a party for this Saturday, the 25th, from 1:00 to 4:30 (or whenever you choose to leave.)
We are making t-shirts and hanging out in the pool, so bring a bathing suit. Before Saturday give $5 to a Captain for t-shirt supplies and food. 
We would love to have everyone show up from the team but it isn't in any way mandatory. 
We will be at Bruce's house - 1734 East Monona Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85024.
If you need to get in contact with Bruce to get us the money at school, or even to ask a question don't hesitate to send text at 623.980.8440 or email
Please show up to hang out, make some shirts, eat, and have some fun with your teammates before the first swim meet.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

TEAM RECORDS as of November 5, 2011

Just updated.... see "Team Records" tab above Pinnacle Coaches Section

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Link to Google Docs

This is a google drive link to the PHS swim photos.
We hope all photographers will upload the swim photos to this central location.
You can upload to this folder from the website or have it synched as a local file to your computer.

Boots 'n Heels Basket

Swim team families,

This year we are putting together our team basket for the
Boots 'n Heels fundraiser using a gift card theme. We are asking each family to
donate an item for the basket OR a minimum of $5.00 to put toward a group item.
Suggested items are gift cards to restaurants, movies, museums, car washes,
frozen yogurt, etc. Feel free to use your imagination. We would like to have
the items or cash donations by October 1st to have time to put the basket
together. The mandatory practices are a perfect time to drop off the items in a
sealed envelope with your name. My daughter, Megan, will bring a basket on
Wednesdays to drop them in. We also could use a donation of 1or 2 baskets to
package them in. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Thanks for your help, Amy Janetsky

Remember to turn in your booster fee

Hello PHS Swim Group:

Wow! What a great showing of support for our swimmers and divers we had on Sunday! Thanks to everyone who attended and donated.

The potluck was plentiful and we have plenty of water and snack donations to last well into the season. If there are any needs going forward, I will certainly let you know.

If you still need to turn in your Booster Fee of $140, please have your athlete bring it to Kelly Laporte in the Career center on campus.
Also, any Polo or T-Shirt orders should be turned in at the pool to Kelly Roman or email her at

I have updated our 'master email list' so hopefully everyone is included and receiving this note.

We had some wonderful ladies who signed up to help with the end-of-the-year banquet, but I am not sure of their emails. Can these ladies please get back to me so I can get you all together?

Cheryl Johnson
Lynn James
Alicia Montanez
Miriam Schantz-Marion
Charlotte Deacon
(thanks ladies)

Jacki Tatman
PHS Swim Booster

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mandatory Practice Cancelled 8/15/2012

Hi everyone,

First, just wanted to thank all of you who came to the parent meeting yesterday. What a great turnout and I was very happy to see all of you there. Second, and this really pertains to the club swimmers. Since Wednesday's practice is cancelled.. we have decided not to hold a mandatory practice this week. Just plan on swimming with your club this week and we will see you next Wednesday for mandatory practice. We will still be holding practice this week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Thanks again,
Coach Laura & Coach Jenny

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Most of the information about the Swim/Dive season will be discussed, please join us!

Who: Pinnacle Swimmers, Divers and Parents
Where: Pinnacle High School Cafeteria
When: Sunday, August 12, 2012
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm

This year the booster fee is $140. Please bring a check payable to PHS Swim and Dive Boosters. This covers your athletes suit, cap, t-shirt and end-of-year banquet.

Don't forget to bring a case of water and a package of non-perishable snacks for the team meets.
*** We will be asking for a family to volunteer to house the snacks and get them to the bus for each meet. Coolers and Banner also need to be stored and sent.***

A-N: FOOD ITEM OF YOUR CHOICE, (this is after lunch so something light is fine)

***We need 3 or 4 families to help clean-up after the meeting. Please email me if you can or just plan to stay. Your help is appreciated!***

Thank you in advance for your help and support, can't wait to see you on Sunday!

Jacki Tatman
Swim and Dive Booster

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Suit Fittings - This Wednesday (8/8) and Thursday (8/9)

Hi everyone,

Wanted to let all of you know that there has been a slight change with the suit fittings that we're doing tomorrow at 4:45. Unfortunately, Nike did not send the boys suits for the fitting so the fitting for the boys will take place on Thursday at 4:45 and the girls are still on for Wednesday's fitting. If you still wanted to buy practice suits or accessories they will still have those items. Sorry boys!! 

Also, just wanted to let all of you know how great the first two practices have been!! I know the water is hot and not the most desirable conditions to say the least, being on deck and coaching all of you has been awesome!! Thank you for putting 100% into practice. I know it's been tough for some of you, trust me when I say it will get easier!! Remember practice is 90% physical... dig deep no matter how much it hurts & you will see results as we make our way through the swim season!

Coach Laura & Coach Jenny

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Suit Fittings - This Wednesday (8/8)

Hello everyone!

I wanted to touch base with all of you to let you know that we will be doing a team suit fitting on Wednesday, Aug. 8th at 4:45. This will take place right before practice. All you need to bring is yourselves and if you would like any accessories like practice suits or anything else you think you would need. Please bring extra money for that. I think you will all really like the team suits this year. Thank your captains for that... they did a great job choosing the suits for this year!

With that said, I would like to make Monday's practice the mandatory practice for the first week. However, club swimmers, after suit fittings on Wed. if you would like to join in for practice that day, as always, you are welcome to stay and practice with the team. It's totally your choice. The following week we will go back to Wednesday's as our mandatory practice!

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at practice on Monday! Be ready for a great dryland and swim workout!!

Enjoy your weekend,
Coach Laura & Coach Jenny

Friday, August 3, 2012

Booster Note

Hello Pinnacle Swim and Dive Team:

Welcome to the 2012 Swim Season!  The Captains, Coaches and Boosters are planning the season and would like to share the details with you at our Annual Meeting and Pot-Luck!
Who: Pinnacle Swimmers, Divers and Parents
Where: Pinnacle High School Cafeteria
When: Sunday, August 12, 2012
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
This meeting will cover information for the entire season, it is mandatory for swimmers to attend. 
What to Bring:
Potluck by Last Name:
A-N: FOOD ITEM OF YOUR CHOICE, (this is after lunch so something light is fine)
Donations for the Team:
Each year the coaches ask for each family to donate the following so the swimmers are covered at each meet:
1 Case Bottled Water
1 package of non-perishable snacks
Please bring this to the meeting and look for the drop-off area in the cafeteria.
Please bring your checkbook for annual dues.  This is a booster fee which covers the cost of team suit, cap, T-shirt and end of season banquet.  If I get the exact amount before the meeting I will email it out. Checks should be made out to PHS Swim and Dive.
Questions regarding the content of the meeting should be sent to Coach Laura at  Any other questions I will be happy to try to answer.  No rsvp is required, we are anxious to see everyone on the 12th!

Jacki Tatman
PHS Swim Booster