Thursday, May 2, 2013

News from Coach Laura - Meeting May 15th and Summer Strength Training

Hi PHS swimmers,

I hope all of you are doing well and I'm sure all of you are ready for the school year to be over! I know I am! :) I wanted to touch base to let you know that there will be a team meeting on May 15th during your lunch time. We will be discussing training over the summer and I will also be introducing to you the new assistant swim coach.

I'm hoping by the time we meet on the 15th that I will have our meet schedule. We will start swim practice on August 12th. I have not been given our practice time as of yet. Again, I'm hoping to have that information for you on the 15th. I also wanted to let you know that we will start strength training and cardio training July 8th. We will be meeting Monday-Thursday from 4:00-5:30PM in the PHS weight room for the month of July. This is mandatory. I know many of you may be traveling & vacationing during the month of July and that's great and I have no problem with this. However, if you're in town you will be expected to be in the weight room with your team. If you're a club swimmer you do not need to be there unless you have the free time and want a little more training time in the gym. 

This is something that the PHS swim team hasn't done before.. but I feel strength training is an integral part of our training and you will feel the benefits of this once we're in the pool August 12th. I'm really looking forward to this part of the training with the team and I can't wait to get started!! :) We will talk more about this at our meeting on the 15th.

If you're receiving this email and you are either graduating or not planning on swimming with the team next season.. please let me know and I will remove you from the email list. Thanks for your help with this. 

I look forward to seeing all of you on the 15th!!

Coach Laura