Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Spring Swim/Dive Update!

 Just writing a quick spring update to inform you of a few things for the upcoming fall season! Current seniors, I do have a brief note for you...see below! I have not yet removed the senior athletes/parents from the email list, so please send me a quick email me back so I know which emails to remove. Also, I have added incoming freshman athletes/parents who attended the 8th grade night in January! The coaches, captains, and your future teammates are very excited to have you become a part of our swim/dive family!
 FOR CURRENT SENIORS: the spring ceremonial signing day is May 8th in the Big Gym at 11:40 (start of lunch). If you have committed to swim/dive in college (since December) please let me know so I can add you to the list! If you were unable to attend the Fall ceremony, we would love to honor you at this one! Parents, plan on attending and being there around 11:30. Send me an email to let me know you will be joining this go around.
I had a coaches meeting last Thursday and the athletic director has requested that all RETURNING athletes (future sophomores, juniors, seniors) to be cleared by the end of THIS school year. This is to avoid much of the chaos that can often occur within the first few weeks of August in the athletic office. Here is the link to the PVUSD athletic site that includes the files:


Most of you know this process by know but if you have questions please feel free to email me.

Summer schedule: The coaches and I will be running a weights/dryland workout for several weeks in July to start getting back in shape and to enjoy time with teammates! This will be Monday-Thursday at Pinnacle in the weight room (E building). The dates and times for this are:
7/6-7/9 4-5:30 pm
7/13-7/16 4-5:30 pm
7/20-7/23 4-5:30 pm

Fall practice time: Many of you have been inquiring about which practice time slot we will have this fall...it is 4:45-6:30 pm! No more late night dinners! I will not know the meet schedule until the end of the summer/beginning of the season.
We had such a phenomenal finish to the end of last season, so I am really looking forward to our upcoming season! On that note...if you are currently not in "swim shape", it would behoove (word of the day!) you to start doing so now. I would be happy to get you connected with swim teams (club or rec) to join this summer. Have a great rest of your week!

Coach Paige

Clarification on Fall practice times: The SWIM practice time slot is 4:45-6:30 pm. All PVUSD divers practice together at a designated time slot around that time (since there are limited dive coaches and athletes). I will find out the exact time. Please contact the head dive coach for PVUSD, Andrew Caraway, for more specific questions regarding dive. His email is 80andrew80@gmail.com.

For those of you that are new, swimmers and diver will compete together and all paperwork to fill out before the season is the same for both! The summer schedule applies to both swimmers and divers :)