Monday, October 15, 2012

Pasta Party - October 19, 2012

PHS Swim & Dive


October 19th from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM  

In keeping with tradition, we will be having the Swim & Dive Pasta Party the night before our District Meet. It will be held at the home of Sabrina Morse.
The address is 8425 E. Sorrel Trail, Scottsdale 85255.  It is the first house on the right.
This is a potluck and we need everyone's participation!! We will start on time so that you can get carbed up and enjoy some team bonding and then get home early and be well rested for PSAT in the morning and then the District Swim Meet in the afternoon!! 
Everyone is asked to sign up to bring something.  We should be feeding around 70 kids/coaches.

DATE: 10/19/2012 (Fri 6:00PM - 8:30PM)

LOCATION: Sabrina Morse's 8425 E. Sorrel Trail, Scottsdale 85255

Sign Up with the link below