Sunday, October 18, 2015

Weekly Update - 18 October 2015

Good afternoon!
This last week was a great week of training! The coaches and I are very proud of how hard you have been working and excited to see the results in the last couple of meets. Wednesday's practice was a fun "mini-meet" and it was nice to see some of you swim events you don't usually get to do!
Our character quality of the week is Attitude! Your attitude determines everything. We only have TWO weeks left of the season (three for those of you attending the state championships)...make the most of it! Bring your BEST effort to every practice and the last couple of meet. Don't complain about sets, what you are swimming in a meet, or all the homework you have to do in one night. Be grateful that you can do all of those things. There are many people your age that don't even know how to swim or have the opportunity to attend one of the top public schools in the state but you do! Have a positive and willing heart this week!
"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain cool and unruffled under all circumstances." - Thomas Jefferson

Notes for the week:
- Last dual meet of the season is on Tuesday 10/20 @ Chaparral (Cactus Park). Everyone will be swimming/diving. Meet starts at 4:00 pm. Athletes will meet at our usual spot near the gym right after school. Please wear your POLOS to school! This is going to be a very competitive and FUN meet...tell your friends and family to come and support us :)  Afterward, you can go get some dinner together! (see next bullet)
- Kneader' fundraiser: After our meet on Tuesday, go get breakfast for dinner at Kneaders! All you can eat french toast for $5.95! All french toast proceeds will go back to PHS swim & dive!
- Mandatory practice will be on Wednesday this week, 10/21
- District Dive Meet is this Wednesday!! Good luck to our divers! 

Other Reminders:

- Don't forget to sign up for our team pasta party! We need some more pasta for our PASTA party! :) It is next Thursday, 10/29 
- JUNIORS: We only have two mandatory practices left of the season and it is tradition to do captain speeches at the last one...which is next week! I am letting you know now so that you have time to prepare something, if you would like. In your speech, I recommend including what it means to be a leader and how you plan to lead your team next season. Please keep your speeches to a couple minutes in length since there are so many of you! The rest of the team will vote afterward and we will announce the captains at the team banquet! Please note that if you do not want to be a captain, it is not a requirement that you say a speech!
- DISTRICT swim meet is on Friday, 10/30 at Moon Valley Country Club. Everyone will be attending event though they may not be swimming. We will be leaving school right after lunch (excused from 6th and 7th).
- IMPORTANT: LAST CHANCE INVITE is Oct. 31st. Warm is at 12:00 pm and meet starts at 1:30 pm. This is still an invitational and I can only take a selected amount per each invite but I need to know if any of you WILL NOT be able to attend this meet. Please reply to this email by Wednesday to let me know! Thank you!!
Have a great rest of your Sunday!
Coach Paige 

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